Thank you for choosing to give the Christmas gift of Love Hope Strength.

Please don’t forget to now go to Just Giving to make your donation.

If you’re in the UK, please donate here: Note that if you are a UK tax payer your gift can be ‘Gift Aided’ at no extra cost to you.

If you’re in the USA, please donate here:

Your e-card gift will be sent on your behalf to your recipient on 23rd December, so it reaches them before Christmas. Your email address will be copied into the email as well.

We are conscious of our responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and we endeavour to ensure that personal information we obtain will always be held, used and otherwise processed in accordance with this regulation and all other applicable data protection laws and regulations. Love Hope Strength’s data protection policy is available on request.

If you have any questions at all about this special gift, please email me at or contact me on +44 7779165404.

Thank you again



Kirsty Thomson
On behalf of the Love Hope Strength Foundation and all who will benefit from your generosity