LHS – 15 Peaks Challenge

Fancy taking on a challenge in 2019?

Want to do something great to help others who really need your support?

Hike the Welsh 3000s (15 Peaks Challenge) with Love Hope Strength

Friday 14/06/19

The day before Snowdonia-Zip World Rocks and led by experienced guides, limited places available.
25 miles in 24 hours – you will need to be ‘in shape’ to achieve this


Take part in the Love Hope Strength Zip Wire Challenge
On and around the Snowdonia-Zip World Rocks 15/06/19. The Velocity 2 fastest Zip Line in the World – you don’t necessarily need to be ‘in shape’ to do this.

You will be helping families affected by cancer and you can save lives and change lives one concert, one step, one zip at a time, all in the name of Love Hope Strength

For more information email challenge@lovehopestrength.co.uk