The Solidarity Rock & Stroll

Saturday June 15th 2024.
Join the North Wales ‘Red Rocks’ hike or go for a stroll wherever you are in solidarity with a loved one who has received their own diagnosis, or for the 18million+ people across the globe who will be diagnosed with cancer this year.

What’s happening?
The Love Hope Strength Foundation is redoubling its efforts to help save and transform the lives of people affected by cancer following co-founder Mike Peters’ recent announcement that the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL), which Mike has been living with for 19 years, has undergone a transformation into a High-grade Lymphoma.

On Saturday June 15th 2024 you’re invited to take part in the inaugural Solidarity Rock & Stroll where Mike lives in North Wales OR organise your own Rock & Stroll wherever you are in the world.

Where’s it happening?
The Rock & Stroll from Dyserth will be a 10 mile beach hike, ending in Mike and his wife Jules’ much loved hangout, the Red, for an evening of music and fun. Your Solidarity Rock & Stroll may be shorter, faster, on a different day or may just see you going for a solo hike with your headphones on.

You may want to just gather a few friends together informally or, organise something more formal, or perhaps you only have the energy to walk outside with a cup of tea to feel the sun on your face whilst listening to your favourite band. Whatever you do, do it with the aim of celebrating life and making the most of the opportunity to walk, talk and enjoy some music and the great outdoors.

Anyone can join in the Solidarity Rock & Stroll from anywhere in the world. Share photos, raise money, donate or get the merch to help raise money for projects that support others affected by cancer. Thanks to the wonderful Beauchamp Family Foundation, donations and money raised for the Love Hope Strength Solidarity Rock & Stroll will be matched, $ for $, £ for £.

Why take part?
A hike will be good for you, and good for others! The money we collectively raise in the name of Love Hope Strength will:
UK: Enhance NHS cancer care and treatment in Wales and the Christie NHS Trust in Manchester, England with new equipment and special services
USA: Provide support for organisations like the Healthcare Alliance for Austin Musicians which provide access to healthcare and wellbeing support for musicians affected by cancer
Africa: Fund chemotherapy, salaries and equipment for the children’s cancer programmes in Tanzania, managed by Love Hope Strength partner TLM
Australia: Support the Nelune Foundation in the work they are doing to improve facilities in cancer units
Worldwide: Help find life saving stem cell
matches for people with blood cancer who are in need of a second chance at life

Register NOW to take part in the Solidarity Rock & Stroll in North Wales on Saturday June 15th 2024:
Click Here to Buy Tickets

HIKE ONLY (£25, under 18s go free. Bus and small breakfast included)
HIKE AND RED ROCKS NIGHT (£45, under 18s £20. Bus, breakfast, welcome drink and evening food included)
RED ROCKS NIGHT ONLY (£30, under 18s £20, welcome drink and evening food included)
LIMITED PLACES: IMMERSE YOURSELF FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND. Stay at the Waterfall apartments at the Chapel and enjoy a whole weekend of wellbeing activities and fun: contact for more information

Donate to Love Hope Strength’s Solidarity Rock & Stroll USA:

Donate to Love Hope Strength’s Solidarity Rock & Stroll UK:


OR Organise your own Solidarity Rock & Stroll, wherever you are! Register your own hike here: